On 25th February 2009 (Friday), Monash once again spiced up the mundane freshman’s orientation week with a whole lot of joy and fun via the MOlympics event. This Olympics sound-alike event provided an opportunity for the freshmen to mingle and get to know one another. Resembling the Olympics, MOlympics is also a competitive “fun-sports” events, where all participants will have to put their sportsmanship into play, in some real hilarious, silly and yet fun games! Above is a picture of the contestants, making their sportsmanship pledges prior to the launch of the event.
I was surprised by the amount of photographers present at this event. No matter, I was together with Christopher for the photo-shooting of this event. The new freshmen were each designated into a group colour, which signifies their respective faculty. Above is a picture of the red group, screaming “YEAH!”.
Prior to the commence of the MOlympics games, a little warm up and body stretching session was firstly held. That day, I noticed that in this semester, there were many more exchange students here at the Sunway Campus compared to the semesters before. Seen above is a picture of the business faculty students loosening their wrist joints!
The first game was the sponge race. The idea of the game is to keep the water absorbed in the sponge, clip it against your armpits and run to the pail to fill the water in. In midst of the starting point and the pail, the “sponge baton” has to be passed on to 3 other members. Above is a picture of my high school friend, Khai Hong who is new to Monash and is present at this orientation event.
This is yet another shot taken during the sponge race. This match was contested between the engineering (orange) and the science (blue) faculties. I would say that this was my best shot of the day.
Next was the Frisbee game. I honestly have the faintest clue and idea how this game works and what are the winning criteria is. All I know was that everyone had fun throwing and fetching the disk.
As the tuck of war games were in possession, cheering and claps were heard from afar. This was truly a team bonding game, as everyone held the rope and pulled it together in sequence.
Even when you fall, have faith that your team will be backing you up – That is what teamwork is! Above is a picture of the engineering faculty (yellow) during their match of tuck of war against the science faculty (red).
Lastly was the water war games. Everyone actually went berserk with their water guns, water balloons and water barrels. Splashes of water were followed by shrieky screams. This was the time which my camera had to get into hiding. Seen above is a picture of the girls, loading their guns with ammunitions.
After the games, the MOlympics event was over. Oh wait, this guy is still obsessive with his water gun. Time to go home guys!
hey the 6th picture, right side a guy with blue t shirt, izzit Henry Ang?U know him?
leechon, Sorry, I don't know his name. But I've seen him around at the uni.
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