My Shanghai laboratory is weeping the sorrow of disbelief that it had been robbed of two of its noisy Yamaha accomplices - the Electone and the Piano.
The movers created a displeasing cacophony with our house's door bell at half past eight this morning. Believe it or not, they were half and hour early! I pounced out of bed darting between the thoughts of being pissed and being pleased for their early arrival and hurried to answer the door.
After a whole hard hassle of deciding what were the essentials to be shipped back to our new house in KL, we eventually got the shipment lists finalized. The packing job was thenceforth commenced.
Perhaps it was me being over-sentimental, but it tinged my tear glands a little as I saw the mummification of both my Electone and Piano. After running my fingers through they keys one final time, with my approving nods, they encased both my darlings into "coffin" crates!
My parents' ornaments and statuettes were a part of this shipment batch. A few of our neighbours put on their fake puppy dog eyes and came up querying on whether we were being repatriated. Well DUH~ off course NOT! We're just moving some stuff back to suffocate our new house in KL!
Having meticulously done the inventory listing and checking, our goodies were loaded into the container to be sent to the port for deportation.
Pirates of the South China Sea, away you stay from me treasure! Me back is really aching me soul! To rest, I must for the healing of me aches..
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