Ever had the feeling of having idolizing someone (with authority), and in then end, this "idol" of yours turned on you and failed to stand by you by being justice at the time you needed help?
Someone renowned has already answered this question of mine long before my query.
Yes, disappointment over perceived unfairness, injustice, promises not kept, tends to go hand in hand with increasing prosperity. Expectations are dashed. What can I say!
Mary Douglas
Why do I always become so disappointed over injustice and unfairness?
I guess that what led me to this state of being vulnerable is because these people know of my goals. And they are out to dampen spirit, snatching what is rightfully mine and weigh me down from being to achieve my goals.
Will I be able to persevere? Will I be able to make it through? Or should I just give up and find my next battle arena?
Here I am once again, lost in total darkness, not because I'm directionless, but because of my disappointment. This disappointment is to my soul of what thunder-storm is to the air.
I'm starting to feel heavy... feeling tired... really tired....
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