Hari Raya Aidilfitri (also Hari Raya Puasa, literally "Celebration Day of Fasting") is the Malay term for the Muslim festival of Eid ul-Fitr. Hari Raya is also known as Lebaran. Muslims in Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore celebrate Eid like other Muslims throughout the world. The term "Hari Raya" literally means "Day of Celebration" — it is also occasionally used to refer to Eid ul-Adha in the form of "Hari Raya Aidiladha". The main greeting used by Muslims in Malaysia and Singapore is "Selamat Hari Raya" which means "Happy Eid" in Malay. Another greeting is "maaf zahir dan batin" which translates loosely to "I seek forgiveness (from you) physically and spiritually", for Hari Raya is a time to reconcile and renew relationships with others.
Extracted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hari_Raya
During Hari Raya, after the month of Ramadan (fasting month), the Muslims often would host an open house event, inviting all friends, neighbours and relatives to come join this authentic celebration.
Revisiting the past, I can still recall the fond memory of being hosted to such an event by a Muslim neighbour of mine. Year after year, without fail, they would come over to our house to seek our audience to the celebration.
Having the thought of being able to get over-indulged with all the kuih-muihs (traditional Malay cakes and cookies) and made spicy-sweet curries, I was always more than delighted to go.
Wishing for more kuih-muihs to come flooding my way, to all the Muslims out there, Happy Eid and Selamat Hari Raya
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