CNY Get-together

With very much diligent and effortful planning by the organizers, our CNY Get-together was paved with succession. Most of our cell group members were able to make it for this event and contributed to the supply of food. Above is a captured moment of the typical CNY custom, Yee Sang. Then cheers of “lou hei, lou hei” was sounded.


After wiping out the “appetizer”, everyone arrived at the dining hall, being welcomed with a feast of steamboat. Seng Chye, our pro chef cum photographer is to be given credits for putting his expertise into the tasty yummy steamboat soup. Seen above is a picture of Huay Ming and Mei Fong at the “buffet line”. They were indeed hogging up the hungry traffic!

Once again, in dedication to Delaine, below are some pictures taken during the meal.


Above: Angeline, Delaine, Chris and Gavin


Above: Melvin and Delaine


Above: Alex and Delaine


Above: Melvin and Eugene (me)


Above: Yee Ven and Charisse


Next in line after the meal was a game of “Cat and Mouse” organized for all who were bloated and not yet bloated with food.

The rule of the game was such that, as the bowls were passed around, 1 bowl would represent the Cat, while the other would represent the Mouse. As the bowls get passed around, the possessor of the Cat would have to eat 1 groundnut while the Rat would have to eat 2 groundnuts. Therefore, the Cat bowl would be hasted to be passed on. Hence, the Cat chases the Mouse! Above is a picture of Kenny (Cat), catching up to Huay Ming (Mouse).

Below are more captured moments during the game.








Once again, many thanks to the organizers:

Huay Ming, Angeline, Alex and Delaine.

2 Response to "CNY Get-together"

Anonymous Says:

I think the cat and mouse game is good to finish up those CNY leftover cookies... haha

Eugene Lee Eu-Juin Says:

kennhyn, you are indeed correcto! That was our intention, to finish up the CNY food! HAHA

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